Concentric /​ Financial Reports 2018–2020

After the ini­tial three year report­ing peri­od was over we were chal­lenged with reima­gin­ing the fin­an­cial reports for the com­ing three. I began the pro­cess by ana­lys­ing the gen­er­al func­tion­al­ity of the Annual Reports – what the cli­ent and I thought worked and needed improv­ing. Areas of evol­u­tion (rather than revolu­tion) were main­tain­ing the legib­il­ity of the tables but give them more space.
_​_​We were to con­tin­ue work­ing in a way that gave open access to a num­ber of con­tent admin­is­trat­ors. This brought its own set of dif­fi­culties in the way the doc­u­ments would be struc­tured. Ease of use and man­euver­ab­il­ity for every­one was key.
_​_​I wanted for the Annual Report in its prin­ted form to stand out on the book shelf. Thus it was giv­en for that reas­on a lar­ger than nor­mal format. Consideration was also taken to the spread format for screen pur­poses. It was favour­able to fit or come close to screen proportions.
_​_​One aspect was how to best util­ise the lim­ited col­our pal­let of mostly brown tones. The intro­duc­tion of a dark­er neut­ral grey was used to off­set the bright­er Concentric orange. While at the same time lim­it­ing use of the duller brown tones. And a light warm back­ground col­our was employed to cre­ate con­trast with white details, where required.

Concept and Design
Mark de Koning

Production and Retouch
Mark de Koning

Arctic Paper /​ Amber Graphic

Matte laminate