Infobahn /​ Graphic profile

A study was ini­ti­ated to gath­er a basis for the design pro­cess. The study was dir­ec­ted at the per­son­nel and own­ers of the com­pany with the sole pur­pose of cre­at­ing the right found­a­tion and gen­er­ate the a res­ult which best suited the wishes of those it would ulti­mately represent.
_​_​All ideation and later design work was presen­ted to the whole group at sev­er­al stages. This gave us and the people of Infobahn to voice their opin­ions and make sure we were not devi­at­ing the from the ground­work. As the group felt a sense of inclus­iv­ity through­out the pro­cess of approv­al was that much swifter.

Team lead
Louise Olsson

Mark de Koning
Daniel Ahlgren

Mark de Koning